
Q1: Where can I buy Eterpan or Eternit brand fiber cement board products?

Our company adopts the "dealer system" sales model. There are more than 100 distributors across the country, covering most of the first- and second-tier cities in the country. You can buy our products from our local distributors. If you do not have the contact information of our local distributor, please call our customer service number: 020-32225632 / 32225635 for detailed consultation.

Q2: Do you provide a certificate or test report for your products? How can I get it?

Each batch of products shipped from our factory will be provided with the corresponding goods, and there will be a factory certificate and product inspection report stamped with the official seal of the Ministry of Commerce of our company. You can obtain it from the merchant that sold the batch of products to you at that time. The merchant must be our regular, legal and effective distributor.

Q3: How do I know that the board I am buying is a genuine Eterpan® product?

Each Eterpan product produced by Eternit Guangzhou Building System Co., Ltd. has product printingthe content of the printing includes "Guangzhou Eternit’s exclusive production, 100% non-asbestos environmentally friendly Eterpan original products, product name, product type, product thickness, production batch number, production date and ISO9001 certification, etc., the printing styles of different series of products will be different. For details, you can consult our local distributors or sales personnel.

In addition, each batch of goods shipped from our factory will be equipped with a "Product Factory Certificate". In addition to checking the printed content of the board, you can also ask the merchant who sold the board to you for the corresponding product factory certificate documents.

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